Easter Service 2020

Digging Deeper

During these times of uncertainty, many people’s hope of a good future is weakening but we can have a certain hope of the future because of God’s power displayed in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Pastor Tony takes us from the Resurrection to the presentation of Jesus as the Lion and the Lamb in Revelation 5.


Who is God/Who am I: The Sovereignty of God and the Death of Jesus Christ

Digging Deeper

This day in history is known as Palm Sunday where Jesus triumphantly enters Jerusalem on a donkey fully aware that by the end of the week he will be crucified. Pastor Tony continues his series on Who is God/Who am I with a look at how God sovereignly planned His own Son’s death in order to bring salvation to all who believe. We will see how God’s plan cannot be thwarted, but our choices are fully our own and we are responsible for them.


Who is God/Who am I: The Sovereignty of God and Our Purpose Today

Digging Deeper

Pastor Tony brings another installment of the Who is God/Who am I series. This week he introduces the important topic of the sovereignty of God as it relates to human responsibility. In these unprecedented times, using the books of Daniel and Esther, Tony suggests that by God’s sovereign will we have been placed just where God wants us to minister to others.


Who is God/Who am I: Our Incomparable God (part 2)

Digging Deeper

Pastor Tony continues in the Who is God/Who Am I series, covering part 2 of “Our Incomparable God”. Given the current world situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, just what have we become focused on to get through this? God is sovereign and is still in control. We must ask ourselves “Do we really trust Him to do what’s best for us during these uncertain times?” or “Are we constraining Him due to our limited understanding of what He wants to do?”


Who Is God/Who Am I: Our Incomparable God (part 1)

Digging Deeper

Pastor Tony continues the Who is God/Who am I series and covers the incomparable forgiveness, rescue, promises power, tenderness of God. He is much bigger than anything that comes against us in our lives, even if brought upon by ourselves. Our Good Shepherd is merciful and gracious to us and we must remember that sometimes we might need a graceful correction. Just how does our God affect you and your relationship with Him?


Isaiah 6: Who is God/Who am I: God’s Holiness Meets Man’s Sinfulness

Digging Deeper

Pastor Tony continues the Who is God/who am I series. He describes king Uzziah and how his pride and arrogance derailed his lifetime of good ministry. When king Uzziah died, Isaiah saw the splendor of God’s holiness but was terrified because he understood the fate of those who gaze upon God’s holiness. While mankind is very unholy by nature, God Himself is the One who makes us qualified to stand before Him and who qualifies us to serve in ministry.


Who is God/Who Am I: Scripture – The God-Breathed Word

Digging Deeper

Pastor Tony continues the Who is God/Who Am I series by describing the importance of having the “God-breathed Word” (Scriptures) in our lives. Scripture is God’s way for us to get to know Him personally, as well as having dialog with our brothers and sisters. God speaks to us in many ways, but if we don’t spend enough time in the Word, we may be shortchanging what God really wants to say to us.


Who is God/Who Am I: Majesty, Splendor, and Glory

Digging Deeper

Pastor Tony continues the series of Who God is and who we are. He explores the infinitesimal magnificence of our Lord through His creation, as David did as a lowly shepherd. Though we are unrecognizable in His total realm, and we cannot even begin to understand His greatness, He gave His all to include us in His kingdom. Do we realize that mankind is a key part of His creation? Where have we cut ourselves short in our understanding of God as it relates to us?


Building A Marriage That Lasts (Brad & Heidi Mitchell of Build Your Marriage)

Digging Deeper

Guest speakers, Brad and Heidi Mitchell from “Build Your Marriage” speak on the three key principles to a lasting marriage – friendship, keeping your covenant and imitating Christ. This message is aimed at those married for quite a while, those newly married, as well as to those who are not married. If we keep Jesus in the center of our lives, our marriages and other relationships can abound. For more information, visit www.buildyourmarriage.org.
