Studies in the Book of Acts: Paul’s 1st Missionary Journey
Studies in the Book of Acts: Paul’s 1st Missionary Journey
Digging Deeper
- Read Acts 13: 1-4
- Many people today go out to plant their “own” churches. What should be the role of the local church in sending people out to start new ministries (whether church planters or missionaries)?
- There is both a human side and a divine side to people coming to faith in Jesus. Let’s discuss them both.
- The Human side: The role of proclaiming and hearing the Gospel.
-Read Romans 10:9-17 and Acts 13:38-47; 2 Peter 3:8-9 - The Divine Side: The role of God’s electing grace
-Read Acts 13: 46-52
-Read John 6: 37-44, 65; 12: 36-43
-Romans 8: 28-30
- The Human side: The role of proclaiming and hearing the Gospel.
- Jesus said to count the cost of following him (Luke 14: 25-33). Read Paul’s words to the believers in Lystra about the cost of following Jesus after he was nearly stoned to death (Acts 14: 19-23). What does it cost to us today?